Quick & Easy Peanut Butter Treats

Does your dog love peanut butter as much as mine does? If so you can't go wrong with this simple dog treat recipe — it's a staple in my house. You'll need 2 cups of flour, 1/2 cup peanut butter and 2 eggs. Mix the ingredients together until combined, and then add water until it becomes wet enough to roll out as dough.

3 ingredients + water, 20 minute cook time

Chicken Dog Treats

Laika loves chicken, and these homemade dog treats make her go insane — just a fair warning. You'll need a cup of diced chicken, half cup of cooked rice, 3 tablespoons of rice flour, tablespoon of parsley, and one egg. If you don't have chicken on hand you can dice up your pups favorite meat for this simple recipe as a substitute.

Five ingredients, 20-30 minute cook time.

Easy Two-Ingredient Dog Treats

This dog treat recipe is perfect for novice cooks (myself included). If you're interested in making some super simple dog treats I'd recommend starting out with this easy recipe. The only ingredients you need are 2 cups of organic whole wheat flour and 2 jars of pureed baby food. For the baby food I've found Laika loves blueberry, beef and sweet potato.

Two ingredient dog treats: 20-25 minute cook time.

Homemade Dog Biscuits

These homemade dog biscuits made with five ingredients are one of my favorites. You'll need whole wheat flour, oats, flaxseed, beef broth, and peanut butter. If you don't have any fun cookie cutters you can use my living like a bachelor method; use the tops of your shot glasses.

Five ingredients dog treats, 20 minute cook time.

Sweet Potato Fries for Dog

We all need our veggies, and luckily sweet potato seems to be quite popular with our canine friends. For this homemade dog treat recipe you'll need a sweet potato, coconut oil, cinnamon, and turmeric. These are a great way for both you and your pup to get in some of your daily vegetable servings – they're delicious.

Four ingredients, 30 minute cook time.